765-763-6393 Phone
765-763-7281 Fax
(800)379-1800 or (833)763-6393

Deposit Requirements:

When you apply for natural gas service with Fountaintown Gas Co., Inc., you will be required to make a deposit unless you can establish a satisfactory payment history with a regulated utility (natural gas or electric) company with the following method:

If the applicant cannot establish a satisfactory payment history with a regulated utility, a deposit will be necessary. The deposit is figured with the following method:

Why Natural Gas?

• Lower cost & better comfort
• Higher quality heat
• Reliable & safe
• A natural occurring energy source
• Made in the USA
Minimize Your Bill

• Install a programmable thermostat
• Keep window shades and draperies   open during the day
• Have your furnace serviced
Natural Gas Tips

How to identify a possible gas leak:

Smell rotten egg or sulfur odor
Hear blowing or hissing sound
See blowing dirt

More Information